Smart Food Conference 3

Tributes of appreciation and respect from The Gate for Hotels & Conferences

Food security has become an urgent necessity in the light of the epidemics that have plagued the whole world. Smart food takes its true place in the community and has an important role in maintaining the health standards of individuals with the highest attainable standard and content through a better lifestyle.

Date July 8 tell 10 ,2023
PlaceJordan - Amman
Period 3 day
Sponsor FAO
Smart Food Conference

Scientific Committee

Smart Food Conference Program

Title text example

Following the success of the first edition of the Smart Food - Functional Food Conference and Exhibition, sponsored by His Excellency the H.E. Minister of Health and its second edition, sponsored by Her Highness Princess Sumaya bint Al Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society, We announce, with the blessing of God, the launch of the third edition of the Conference, on 8 and until 10-7-2023, in the halls of the Landmark Amman Hotel, to serve as an information Centre on functional foods. In the future, there will be an evolution in the number of products, the nature of raw materials involved in the manufacture of products, a significant increase in scientific research and its technical applications, in particular medical and pharmaceutical research, and the discovery of the components and nutritional benefits of raw agricultural materials.

The regional market for healthy and natural food products is growing significantly in parallel with the growing rates of various diseases and epidemics. This is due to the role of different communities in the diverse uses of science, whether nutritional, industrial or genetic, which created a desire among individuals to go to functional food and organic foods for prevention first. "Reducing the Spread of Diseases II" and Improving the Quality of Life III "a healthy lifestyle with the full conviction and knowledge or tradition of societies rich in food culture creating opportunities" For industrialists, companies, and researchers in various fields related to food science and food processing, we are beginning to follow what scientists are striving to do, using modern science techniques to develop protective and therapeutic foods with different names, all of which have come up with the same description: functional foods.

We therefore extend to your company our support for the Conference because of its importance as a successful partner and the adoption of the outputs of the Conference in terms of programs, mechanisms and support for universities, students and companies wishing to develop their products in order to achieve the basic goal, which is a demand of all countries of the world today.

Food and food compass correction to achieve food and health security reduce the effects of malnutrition on young people and encourage manufacturers to innovate by promoting food to maximize its nutritional value.

Target groups for participation in the Conference:


  • of food and nutrition researchers, specialists and technicians

  • In the food production, processing, marketing, handling and storage sector

  • Of Food Service Workers in the Public and Private Sector

  • Specialists in preventive and curative nutrition, diets and nutritional education

  • Researchers and clinical nutritionists

  • Trade unions, workers and hotel workers from food and drink managers and chef’s

  • In the regulatory, executive and legislative bodies in the government sector

  • of school students in cooperation with the Ministry of Education - Vocational Education

  • Students of local and international universities

  • Businesswomen's Associations and Cooperative and Cultural Associations

  • Of local and international organizations and embassies of Arab and foreign countries

  • Embassies and diplomatic bodies

Objectives of the Conference and Exhibition

  1. Contribution to changing the future of food and food compass
  2. Production of foods with supplements to treat diseases
  3. Employing technology for the entire food chain from agriculture to food waste
  4. Highlighting the importance of research and development for the development of food production and agricultural production inputs
  5. Promoting functional food consumption for its capacity to develop healthy and humane communities
  6. Reducing community anemia and malnutrition
  7. Development of national food safety training programs, strengthening safety and prevention measures in commercial food activities
  8. Reducing food waste
  9. Contributing to the development of target groups to participate in healthy and intelligent lifestyles
  10. Strengthening the role of women in food security and community health through the development of household food industries and small enterprises.

Conditions for submitting a worksheet

It has already been published in one of the most prestigious international magazines
The deadline for submission is on June 10, 20243-

Those who have been approved by the Scientific Committee will be notified on June 15, 20244-

To register your research, log in to the company's website

Please send the full research to
[email protected]